Hello… I found your web page while trying to research the abdominal decompression equipment and process I used back in 1969 for the birth of my first child. I did it because I had read an article, probably by Dr. Hehns, about how to have a genius. Did it work?
I believe absolutely that it did. My son was valedictorian, graduated from Stanford with honors, has an MD/PhD from Harvard and is currently teaching and doing research at Cornell Medical School. As a scientist, he laughs at my stories. As the mother of a ‘genius’, I believe it worked.
As a result of some hilarity when I explained my birthing experience, we looked up Decompression Babies and came upon these stories. My sister and I were pregnant at the same time and our babies were born in 1971. She had encouraged me to join her in trying Decompression and we went to the clinic and brought home our rented equipment which was a hard shell and plastic cover Zipped to the neck and which we attached to a domestic vacuum cleaner. It was quite a pleasant experience and used for about a half-hour almost daily as I recall, with classical music or radio programs, adding to the fun vibe. My sister did not take hers into hospital, but my doctor had (quite coincidentally) been part of the original research set-up and encouraged me to use it in labour. The Government teaching hospital I attended was not so happy, but allowed us to try it. My baby was already two weeks overdue and was born after 15 hours of labour which WAS probably shortened by the device as after each of two sessions there was a definite marked advance in the stage. Our babies were both small (as are we) and very different as babies are, but both were breastfed and reached intelligence and physical markers well before the average. Both were ultimately highly intelligent with my nephew being close to genius level. Both very successful in their chosen careers. My son does have trouble with sleeping but then so does my younger son who was never part of the program. I am glad I was part of this development and really sad when we moved to the country and could not access it for my daughter a couple of years later. By the time my youngest sons were on the way in 1976 and 1978 the clinic had apparently closed. I am really sorry that we were never asked for assessment records as it seems the lack of these were in part responsible for the treatments’ demise in South Africa.