is a new site intended to explore and promote the practice of pre-natal abdominal decompression, which was practiced in South Africa, the UK and the US in the late fifties and through the sixties, but which has since fallen out of common practice.
I started this site because I am a decompression baby myself, and became fascinated by the technique and its apparent fall from medical grace after seeing the photo of my mother in the decompression machine 9 days before I was born.
If you would like to contact me, you may do so by submitting a comment to any page or post within this site, or by emailing me at:
tony [at] decompressionbaby [dot] com.
Would have helped Serena Williams in all likelihood
Il DR. Pasquale Longobardi, direttore del Centro iperbarico di Ravenna ha sviluppato già da diversi anni la “Iperbaro-terapia in gravidanza”, con la quale sono nati un certo numero di bambini (18? … 20?… non n conosco bene il numero). Fra i quali anche i suoi 3 figli. Cordiali saluti. totò
The DR. Pasquale Longobardi, director of the Hyperbaric Center of Ravenna, has already developed the “Hyperbaro-therapy in pregnancy” for several years, with which a number of children were born (18? … 20? … I do not know well the number). Among them also his 3 children. Sincerely. Toto
I recenly was wondering what had happened to decompression as I had used this in 1969 when my only daughter was born at home, six days early. The birth was rather amusing, my husband phoned the midwife at 6.30am, the midwife and assistant arrived at 7.30am and my daughter at 8.30am. The midwife was in favour of decompression and I was so pleased that the birth was so quick for the baby’s sake. Why does it appear to have gone out of use in the UK? Did it benefit my daughter, well she got a first class degree at King’s College London and went on to gain a PhD and now works at a state university in the US. I would have to say yes.
Hi Margaret! Your daughter and I have a lot in common: I was also born at home (1968), was delivered quickly by the midwife before the doctor could arrive, got my bachelor’s degree from King’s College London, and now live and work in the U.S.!
Le industrie ARTEM di Kiev [UA] fino a qualche anno fa producevano “equipements” pe la “decompression baby”.
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La produceva fino a qualche decennio fa “equipaggiamenti militari” ed “attrezzature ospedaliere”… Fra quest’ ultime anche l’ “equipement” per la “decompression baby” ( “and mum”)… di tipo “ospedaliero” !
Cordiali saluti. nonno Totò
The was producing “military equipment” and “hospital equipment” until a few decades ago… Among these last also the “equipement” for the “Decompression Baby” (“and Mum”)… “Hospital” type! Kind regards. Grandphather Totò
Da quanto ricercato con l’ aiuto della Camera di Commrcio di Bolzano (Ufficio Brevetti) devo concludere che in italia non cisono produzione, brevetti e\o licenze per attrezzature di “decompression baby”.
E negli USA ! ?
Cordiali saluti. Totò
From what sought with the help of the Chamber of Commrcio of Bolzano (Patent Office) I must conclude that in Italy there are no production, patents and/or licenses for equipment of “decompression baby”. And in the USA!? Kind regards. Totò