Email from S, 12 June 2012

My two daughters (b. 1965 & 1969) were decompression babies, and my experiences with them were very positive; my impression was that use of the unit was efficacious. Just googled abdominal decompression since I’ve heard nothing about it for many years. Was curious if it’s still in use. I found the recent articles that conclude it’s not useful, but was a tad confused by the end points they use … Didn’t seem to reflect the original claims exactly.

By the way, the unit was developed before the mid- or late sixties; probably the late fifties. A classmate of mine living in Johannesburg in the early sixties went to the clinic in about 1963 or 1964, used the unit for her first pregnancy, and brought two back to Canada, one of which I subsequently used.

I’d be glad to give you a summary of my experiences, if you’re still interested … Partly a gong show! But otherwise a positive experience and outcome. By the way, I was a young OR nurse at the time of my daughter’s births, and subsequently did a couple of degrees and worked in clinical research, so have a working knowledge of reading clinical trial reports and findings.

I’ve book-marked your website & will get back to you if you want an account of my experiences.

Cheers. S.

3 thoughts on “Email from S, 12 June 2012

  1. I will pay top dollar for the purchase of a decompression device. We had 4 children with the device and then unfortunately lost the device. My daughter is now pregnant and I need another one. Please respond to my email

    • Hi Stephen, I don’t know of anywhere to buy a decompression machine of the type used in the 60’s and 70’s, but judging from the photos, they were rather rudimentary devices — I suspect little more than the motor and pump from a vacuum cleaner connected to an airtight nylon bag!

      The closest I have found in contemporary technology is this CVAC (Cyclic Variations in Adaptive Conditioning) device, which is apparently used in sports conditioning — although I should stress that have no personal experience of or connection with this device:

      • In Ucraina, Russia e Slovenia ci dovrebbero essere dei laboratori, opifici o industrie meccaniche che producono queste apparecchiature per la “decompression baby”. Dovrai avere l’ indirizzo “ucraino”… Glielo cerco ed appena possibile glielo mando.
        Cordiali saluti. nonno tòtò

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