As far as the research literature goes, there’s not much out there. Obstetrics is infamous for having little to no scientifically valid research in humans since people are understandably queazy about participating in clinical studies during pregnancy and delivery. And parturition in other animals models such as rodents, dogs, rabbits, etc. is physically different enough that the details don’t carry over to humans very well. When I was in my Ob/Gyn rotation in med school, I asked some Obs just to get their opinion and the general feeling was that there was probably not much contribution from the decompression. One Ob conceded that maybe in difficult deliveries where there was risk of prolonged hypoxia, theoretically there could be benefits to decompression. I think that without an actual rigorous study, we are left with speculation and anecdotal evidence.
Monthly Archives: November 2010
Email from KD, 6 November 2010
The equipment I used looked much different, there was a plexiglass dome with a plastic skirt that fit ’round the abdomen, connected to a vacuum device. I cannot remember the doctor’s name who delivered J_ and heard that he had passed away just a few years after J_ was born. I remember that he had talked about a follow-up study, but sadly, nothing was done. You will find that as a scientist, my son does not put much stock in it, because there was not a truly scientific study done…
Email from KD, 5 November 2010
Hello… I found your web page while trying to research the abdominal decompression equipment and process I used back in 1969 for the birth of my first child. I did it because I had read an article, probably by Dr. Hehns, about how to have a genius. Did it work?
I believe absolutely that it did. My son was valedictorian, graduated from Stanford with honors, has an MD/PhD from Harvard and is currently teaching and doing research at Cornell Medical School. As a scientist, he laughs at my stories. As the mother of a ‘genius’, I believe it worked.