Email from CN, 16 January 2012

Hi there

My name is C_.

I am also a decompression baby.

I was born in South Africa, but live in the USA now.
I am thinking about falling pregnant, and was interested to see if there was anyone here doing Decompression in pregnancy, I found your site through my search.

My mother swears by it, and I think it made a difference 🙂

Do you know of anyone that still does it?


Email from JD (Decompression Baby & MD), 10 November 2010

As far as the research literature goes, there’s not much out there.  Obstetrics is infamous for having little to no scientifically valid research in humans since people are understandably queazy about participating in clinical studies during pregnancy and delivery.  And parturition in other animals models such as rodents, dogs, rabbits, etc. is physically different enough that the details don’t carry over to humans very well.  When I was in my Ob/Gyn rotation in med school, I asked some Obs just to get their opinion and the general feeling was that there was probably not much contribution from the decompression.  One Ob conceded that maybe in difficult deliveries where there was risk of prolonged hypoxia, theoretically there could be benefits to decompression.  I think that without an actual rigorous study, we are left with speculation and anecdotal evidence.