Email from HT, 9 February 2012

Dear “Decompression Baby”,

I stumbled upon your website when looking for info on abdominal decompression. Believe it or not, in my country (Slovenia), they still regularly perform decompression and actually advise every healthy pregnant woman to undertake 5-10 treatments. The expenses are covered by the public health insurance. I am pregnant myself now (in the 7th month) and within 4 weeks I can start going for the treatments. If you are still interested, I can keep you updated and in a few months share with you my birthing experience.

Best wishes,

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Email from RD, 5 February 2012

My name is Dr. RD. I am a perinatal specialist and have been studying decompression babies for the last 20 plus years. There is a new revolution happening right now in the area of decompression therapy and I hope to reintroduce decompression therapy using the new upgraded technology for pregnancy and birth.

I am completing my book, “T_”, due out in print May of 2012. If you would like to connect, I would love to hear from you.

All the best,